Nikhil Chowdary Paleti - AI Engineer and Researcher

Nikhil Chowdary Paleti

Exploring the Frontiers of AI and Data Science

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👋 Hi, I'm Nikhil Chowdary Paleti, an AI Engineer and Researcher 🤖🔬 with a passion for Machine Learning, Data Science, and Large Language Models (LLMs).
🎓 Currently pursuing my Master's in Data Science at UC San Diego, I am dedicated to pushing the boundaries of AI innovation.

🚀 Welcome to my portfolio!


Large Language Models: Transformers (Hugging Face), Langchain, Langgraph, LambdaIndex, crewAI
LLM APIs: OpenAI API, Google AI studio API
Vector Databases: Pinecone, Chroma
Machine Learning: PyTorch, TensorFlow, Scikit-learn, XGBoost
Natural Language Processing: NLTK, SpaCy
Computer Vision: OpenCV, YOLO, Hugging Face Diffusers
Data Analysis: NumPy, Pandas, Hugging Face Datasets, PySpark
Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Firebase
Big Data: Apache Spark, Hadoop
Data Visualization: Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, Power BI, Tableau, Google Looker Studio
Advanced ML: Reinforcement Learning (Stable Baselines 3, Ray RL)
Languages: Python, C++, Scala
Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Firebase, MongoDB
Version Control: Git, GitHub
IDEs: VS Code, Jupyter Notebooks, PyCharm
Containerization: Docker
Platforms: Google Cloud Platform, AWS (basic)
MLOps: Weights & Bias, MLflow, Neptune
IoT: MQTT protocol, Raspberry Pi, Jetson Nano
Robotics: ROS (Robot Operating System)
Operating Systems: MacOS, Ubuntu, Windows


Positional Encoding Explained: A Deep Dive into Transformer PE

In this article, I explore the concept of Positional Encoding in Transformer models. The intuition behind the absolute positional encoding and RoPE is explored.


Undergraduate Projects

Real Time AI Sales Management

Real Time AI Sales Management

Developed a real-time sales management system with data streaming, analysis, and recommendation engine

MQTT, Kafka, Spark, MongoDB, Python, Deep Learning, Recommendation Systems



Self-driven autonomous differential drive robot using ROS and deep learning for object detection and avoidance

Arduino, C++, ROS, Python, OpenCV, TensorRT

Robust Principal Component Analysis

Principal Component Pursuit By Alternating Directions

Implemented Robust PCA using Alternating Direction Method and applied it to denoise the Yale face dataset

MATLAB, Python

Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning

Derived and Implemented 6 RL algorithms from scratch in Python and simulated with GYM environments

Python, GYM

Neural Networks and Beyond

Neural Networks and Beyond

Derived Backpropogation and Implemented single and multi-layer neural networks from scratch in Python

Python, NumPy


Digital Signal Processing, Volume 147, 2024
Iswarya Kannoth Veetil, Divi Eswar Chowdary, Nikhil Chowdary P., V. Sowmya, E.A. Gopalakrishnan
International Conference on Computation of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning. ICCAIML 2024​. Communications in Computer and Information Science
Paleti Nikhil Chowdary, Sathvika P, Pranav U, Rohan S, Sowmya V, Gopalakrishnan E A, Dhanya M
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Speech and Language Technologies for Dravidian Languages, pages 33–42, Varna, Bulgaria. INCOMA Ltd., Shoumen, Bulgaria
Nikhil Chowdary Paleti, Sai Aravind Vadlapudi, Sai Aashish Menta, Sai Akshay Menta, Vishnu Vardhan Gorantla V N S L, Janakiram Chandu, Soman K P, and Sachin Kumar S.
2023 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), Delhi, India, pp. 1-6
Nikhil Chowdary P., M. S. Akshay, V. S. Aravind, M. S. Aashish, G. V. N. S. L. V. Vardhan and G. Jyothish Lal.
Proceedings of the International e-Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering and Communication Systems (ICACECS 2023), pp. 266-274
Nikhil Chowdary P., Gorantla V. N. S. L. Vishnu Vardhan, Menta Sai Akshay, Menta Sai Aashish, Vadlapudi Sai Aravind, Garapati Venkata Krishna Rayalu, P. Aswathy
International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications. ICICC 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 703
Nikhil Chowdary P., Pranav Unnikrishnan, Rohan Sanjeev, KSR Logesh, Neethu Mohan & K. P. Soman

More Publications

For a complete list of publications and up-to-date metrics, please visit my Google Scholar profile:

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